medical-visuals | f450 graphic design
graphic design | medical illustration (bread'n'butter)
2017 | Sick! exhibition
Berlin Medical History Museum at the Charité (co-curator | designer | contributing artist)
2015 | Autodesk Pier 9 Artist-in-Residence program
3-dimensional artworks
2012 | Two obstetric dolls ...
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (online museum collection)
2012 | Separating siamese twins
an interactive artwork for museums
2021 - present | Talkin' Taboos
bi-monthly discussion group (curator | organiser | moderator)
2019 - 20 | Death Café
discussion group (organiser | moderator)
2007 | Playing Doctor
art installation | event (Gladstone Hotel, Toronto)
2020 | Only Love Letters
web-based art project
2015 | Instructables
content creation for Autodesk Pier 9 artists-in-residency program (San Francisco)
2014 | tinker tailor stef lenk
DIY and misc. nonsense
2014 | Zerzaust but unbowed
2011-2012 | Old Coot Draws Dead Things in Scotland
2008-09 | Courting the terrible master
2008 | Tea and Symphonies
2007 | Upper Canada Chaps Society
(collective blog) character pen name: Pippa the Armoire Secretary
2006-08 | stef lenk blogs again
2005 | meanderings through a world-weary synapse
2003 | City in a Suitcase
gallery art installation (Derby, UK)
2002 | Single Wise Female
(astonishing trousers and haberdasheried goods)
1999 | Pillowman
actress (short film by Andrew Bee)
1998 | Teef