the agenda

Despite the fact that God (as we once ‘knew’ ‘him’) is dead, we seem to be moving ever further into a time of fanatical beliefs on many fronts, so we’re going to revisit the topic of religion, this time possibly with a comparative spin between traditional spirituality and the heightened fervour with which many seem to believe in phenomena such as the Singularity or the potential ‘coming’ of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). 

Some possible questions/food for thought: 
    •    Is there something about religion that we can’t do without that keeps us searching in a (pseudo-)post-religious epoch? 
    •    Did we do away with one God only to subjugate ourselves to a new one of our own making? 
    •    What is the difference between ‘playing God’ and ‘creating God’? 

    •    Should we be comparing problematic structures within traditional organised religions to modern-day political structures? (ie. a bunch of old white men cloistered up in Rome choosing the next pope vs. a bunch of old white men in the White House making laws that wreak havoc the world over?)

    •    what were the positive take-aways of religion that we might do well to return to? (community, ritual, collective belief)

(Since we’ve had an event on this subject before, check here for some suggested reading/materials), and RSVP here to attend (limited seating)

CAVEAT: (As always, these blurbs come from my W.E.I.R.D (western, educated, industrialised, rich, democratic) little mind. Much as I might like to, I cannot speak with any knowledge about cultures and circumstances I have not myself lived, and so am ever grateful for any who step up (respectfully) to question/contribute/modify these statements)